Welcome to Live4Energy Training College. 

We invite you to come and find out more about our Super Learners, Super Leaders and Super Events through Super Science & Consciousness

What does that mean?

We deliver cutting edge learning for all ages to become Super versions of themselves.  We guide all our clients to tap into their innate abilities, trust them and use them in the most appropriate ways for them.  All this, and they also clear trauma trapped in their cells at the same time.

This leads to children jumping ahead in reading, science and other subjects as their concentration and attention skills improve.  This in turn rockets their confidence and compassion around others, improving realtionships with peers, teachers and at home.

We share our knowledge and skill sharing through online and face to face group courses/workshops/retreats, 1 to 1 sessions and event days

We help teens to adults of all ages breathrough BURNOUT | LONG TERM COVID | STRESS | ANXIETY and over 35+ symptoms on our usual list.  As they break through these barriers they are learning skills to take them forward into optimising their understanding and learning of how to keep improving their lives.

Most of these individuals become Super Leaders as they begin to share their knowledge with those they care about further cementing in their own learning and understanding all over again.

Those who wish to take it a step further can improve their businesses at the same time as we offer a bespoke package for working through the magnetic field of your organisation and then with your staff/colleagues to optimise your potential.  Curious?  You should be!  This is real cutting edge magnetisim.  Check out the details below on the science!

We track our client progress through a 35 symptom individual chart over the period of time we work together. Here are some of the results from Sever Burnout | PTSD | Anxiety| Chronic Fatigue and more..

PTSD  32/36 Presenting Symptoms Score of 240 & 258 out of a possible 350 each for Frequency & Severity (Sever Burnout Symptoms 6 x 60' (Weekly Joint Sessions) Symptoms reduced to 4 & 9.
Female Client
PTSD Victim Rochdale
PTSD | 32/35 Presenting Symptoms | Score of 240 & 259 | 6 Joint Session with Friend | Reduced to Symptoms 4 & 9 - Under Burnout score.
Female Client
Rochdale PTSD
Burnout | 24/35 Presenting Symptoms | Score of 120 & 169 | 5 Joint Session with Friend | Reduced to Symptoms 8 & 8
Male Client
Bury - Burnout
Chronic Fatigue| 32/35 Presenting Symptoms | Score of 274 & 277 | 1 single session | Reduced to Symptoms 53 /39 (80% / 86%)
Female Client
Chronic Fatigue

So What's The Science?

Rachel Earing Founder of Live4Energy brings together the latest quantum field scientific and consciousness research into our Community with first hand experience of spending time with world award winning IONS (Insititute of Science)  Researchers & Scientists, the Galileo Commission, ICRL Insitute of Consciouness Research Labratory connections, Neuro Surgeons and Conscious Academics from around the world and Parasychology Researchers from Universities in the UK.

This equipment orignates from Princeton Engineering College (PEARS) where Roger Nelson creater of The Global Consciousness Project started.  Tapping into the magnetic field that we all live in throught photons and the space in the The 1 Field that this documentary shows us. 

We are delighted to announce that from April 2024 we will be offering the latest Scientific Technology to enter your establishment and  measure the coherance of your business, community, meditation, breathwork, tantra spaces and more with award winning Random Event Technology.  If you are interested in being one of the very first organisations to be involved in our local Research on Science & Consciousness then please get in touch today to discuss.

Find Out More..... Free Stuff

We have tons of free resources for you to check us out.  Why not have a listen to the 3 series of The Wyrd World of Knowing Podcast where Rachel interviews the winning GoWyrd team from 2023 Insitute of Noetic Science Award as they begin their research journey.  Have a listen to Rachel chat to Lynne McTaggart, world Global Peace Experiment expert bringing healing to Isreal and Palastine amingst other miraculous things such as water and plant experiments.  Check out How to Bliss Out Your Brain with Dawson Church. Certainly a lot to get your teeth into and find out about there.


We have a large resources section of free materials through our Podcast, YouTube Channel and Facebook Community.  Please do come and join us on the links below.

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