Finally a flexible, pro-active and sustainable 

 Mental Health Therapy Scheme !


Modern medicine is set to change radically in the next 20 years and Energy Therapy will be at the forefront of this change.  Latest developments in science are proving that Light and Vibrational techniques/technology are the least intrusive and most effective treatments available.

The beauty of Energy Therapy is that it can be implemented within organisations at a minimal cost and with incredible results as a proactive scheme to reduce and prevent stress related illness.  It can be constantly in use reducing the impact of stress daily to colleagues.

Dr Bruce Lipton (leading Cellular Stem Biologist), in his book Wisdom of Your Cells,  says that  Energy Psychology is the quantum mechanics energy medicine of the future NOT the physical medicine which is used today.

Dr Bruce Lipton:  …”This would make sense out of thousands of years of what is called “hands-on healing.” The recipient is getting an energy that is interacting with their body through interference and through that interference, changing the character of the energy reflected in the physical matter because the matter is the energy. This is the future of medicine”

How will you be welcoming Energy Therapy into your organisation over the next 20 years?

 BE AWARE – Energy Therapy May Increase:

The ability to make Healthier Natural Choices. PLUS –

Productivity, Enthusiasm,  Value for each other, Loyalty and an increase in Positive Communication.

Can you see value in a  –   A happier and healthier  workforce  .



Addiction       Anxiety       Bullying       Depression     Eating disorders

Financial /Money Issues     Loss     Phobias     Change    Stress     Trauma

All of these issues can be dealt with at the root of the cause not a surface level quick fix.

Resulting in yet again –    A happier and healthier family and workforce  .



Imagine making immediate impacts to your family, school or businesses welfare; reducing visits to the doctors and seeing the impact of individuals gain emotional and physical resilience .  Results in mental and physical health, and being able to encourage and support their families to be the same.

This scheme gives people skills and knowledge to take with them for the rest of their life and continue their own health care journey.  A fully supported 12 month scheme, (progressing on to 3 year / 5 year Plus options), enables REAL, SUSTAINABLE, lifestyle changes to kick in, stabilise and become habits, for the whole family/workplace. Yes, skills to stop the yo yoing between old patterns of crash dieting/ phobias / stress / relationship issues and all fully supported.

Divorce, separation, abuse, bereavement, bullying, low self esteem and addiction, happen to us all at some point in our life from the Managing Director down to the children of your staff.

 What value would it give to your organisation to reduce?

Apathy     Addictions / Phobias     Bullying / Being Bullied

Fear (usually of the future)     Lateness     Stress     Sick days

Government Sickness Statistics:

Report from

The costs to Britain as a whole, is estimated to be £9.3 Billion which is equivalent to £17,600 per case.

In 2015/16 30.4 million working days were lost due to self-reported illness or injury.

  • 9 million days due to work related illness.
  • On average each person suffering took around 16 days off work, 20 days for ill health and 7.2 for injuries.
  • Stress, depression or anxiety and musculoskeletal disorders accounted for the majority of days lost due to work related ill heath, 11.7 – 8.8 million days.
  • The average day lost per case for stress, depression or anxiety (24 days) was higher than for musculoskeletal disorders (16 days).


Combining the forefront of scientific knowledge with thousand year old techniques Live4Energy is now offering these services as a sustainable and flexible package for your organisation and families.  Yes, your families may also benefit from this package.


Dion (20), Bury

I initially met with Rachel for an hour on a Monday evening and I could already see changes, I was genuinely shocked. I was performing better in work and noticing that people were warming to me more than before. I continued to see Rachel every week for the next two months and my personal goals had been met. The physical pain has completely gone and I am just a happier person in general. It’s amazing how your mental state can have such a huge impact on your life.

I can’t thank Rachel enough

John D (Edenfield)

When I first visited Rachel I was at the end of a very low point in my life following the breakdown of my long term relationship and pending redundancy.   I was feeling sad, insecure, unloved and anxious.

Rachel enabled me to talk about the current issues, situations in previous relationships and careers that still affected me and events from childhood that had played a major part in my life.

I went from feeling sad, anxious and vulnerable to feeling positive and calm.  Events at work whilst still stressful do not trigger the outbursts that I had experienced previously. I feel more centered and in control.

St Joseph’s RC Primary,

 “Many thanks for sending the things from the family workshop into school – they look brilliant! Both the families thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and some of the children have been trying new foods!

We will definitely be working with you again in the future, the work that you have done with the children is so valuable.” 

Lily – Tottington

Before I started Reiki, my head was always busy, it was so full some days I felt my brain was touching my head.  It was so full and busy, busy, busy all the time.  I love the calmness that Reiki has brought.  My head is no longer busy going round and full of what I call rubbish.


Basic Package  

Standard  Package 

Premium Package

Platinum Package

Live4Energy are offering organisations a fixed price guarantee for 3 years if they sign up before the end of January 2018.

This is a very exciting time in the world of progression and human evolution and you are invited to become part of paving the way forward.  Do you have the foresight to be so proactive?  If so please do get in touch to find our more.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

A non-invasive tapping technique VIBRATING on your meridian system which releases stuck patterns of behaviour, habits, emotions, phobias, trauma and physical pain whilst the client discusses the issue. It works in a similar way to acupuncture but without the needles.

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programme)

Used by Tony Robbins to bring individuals back to their natural state and release the baggage they have been carrying around for years.  A non-invasive technique which works with language hypnotherapy (Vibration) to release stress, tension, phobias, addictions, etc.


Used now in many medical establishments to help patients reduce their emotional stresses during treatments.  This hands on or off therapy uses your own energy (Light and Vibration) system to relax and rejuvenate mind, body and spirit.  Results in reducing stress, anger, physical pain, fear, and old patterns of behaviour.


Advice to help individuals move forward with a balanced approach to their well being and how eating the right foods can help heal emotional and physical issues.

Live4Energy  offers the flexibility to use one or all of these techniques within sessions with no age restrictions.

Remember the most important appointment you can ever make is with yourself!

Email:    or     ring    07495  020972         


By Rachel


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