How Long Would I Be In Therapy Quiz?
Let’s face it our kids have had it tough the last few years and so has the education system as a whole. The pandemic has emphasised any mental health issues and created even more with the global effects of new systems, regulations and so much drastic change to adapt to, so quickly.
Our kids are resilient though right?
Of course they are and so are we, but we’re now in a situation where we need really quick and effective fixes to release that stress and anxiety that’s been building and building and hasn’t had the opportunity to relax into something else yet.
Figures are showing that the younger generations have struggled the most from major depressive disorders and severe anxiety disorders. It is estimated an additional 53·2 million cases of major depressive disorder globally (an increase of 27·6% due to the COVID-19 pandemic, per 100 000 population). It is also estimated an additional 76·2 million cases of anxiety disorders globally (an increase of 25·6%).
This pandemic has created an increased urgency to strengthen mental health systems in most countries. (Figures from The Lancet research)

5 Steps the Top 1% of Leaders use for Emotional IntelligenceWhat on earth has this got to do with Teachers making our kids Yawn?
Studies suggest that:
- Yawning helps cool the brain
- Improves alertness
- Mental efficiency
Studies have found that yawning increases when people are engaged in difficult mental tasks.
- Yawning helps contract the facial muscles during a yawn
- This forces blood through cerebral blood vessels to the brain
- Which in turn may increase alertness.
- Yawning can therefore help with deep relaxation and reduces stress as we release the old toxins and make room for more fresh oxygen into our body and mind.
- Yawning also acts as a stimulant of the nervous system as researchers suggest that it has similar effects like caffeine due to its ability to increase blood flow to the brain.
- Increases Oxygen Supply To The Brain
- A yawn brings more oxygen into your lungs and that helps in getting rid of carbon dioxide build up or what is more commonly referred to as ‘bad air’ in the lungs.
- Excessive yawning for people with clinical disorders such as multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, migraine, stress, anxiety, head trauma, and strokes is often followed by temporary cessation of their symptoms. This is because these conditions lead to an increase in the body core temperature, thereby resulting in abnormal thermoregulation, which the body then tries to correct transiently by way of yawning.

https://www.live4energy.co.uk/welcome/work-with-me-2/Yawning research is intriguing and even in a 20 week old human fetus it is safe to assume that yawning could represent a para-linguistic signal that may have multiple functional outcomes across various animal species.
I certainly notice in my practice, dealing with many anxiety disorders, panic attacks and stress issues, yawning is one of the very first mechanisms that occur as a client starts to release their tension of old memories and behaviours.
The fuller the yawn then the more complete the cycle of that old emotion transitioning through to the new thought processes, behaviours and release of emotional, mental and physical pain.
To enable this process at the beginning of every class or end of every break (keeping in line with Covid restrictions) through a teacher, is one of the simplest, most empathetic, and natural ways of helping our children release, and stimulating their brain, with new oxygen before each new learning curve. Done consciously this could even impact on all their learning curves in life.
Surely it is time to start using not only the 40 bit or brainpower open to us but being open to utilising the 400 million bit of brain power that creating space inside us allows access to?
I’m curious…. will you try this today? If so how does 1 minute of yawning twice a day make you feel over the period of a week? Do let us know!
Rachel Earing – Founder of Live4Energy Training College & Co-Founder of Quest 79